

Rellenita a la moda is a blog to empower plus size women to achieve their personal style, to rejoice in their curves and figure as well as to build a positive self – esteem.  However, the blog gives fashion tips for all women who love fashion and want to strenghten their personal image. Developing a positive personal image will give confidence and will cater a strong personality regardless the size and the age.

We post both in English and Spanish to reach a large community of women  in English and Spanish speaking countries as fashion and style has no boundaries in a global world.


We will achieve our goals and mission by posting interesting and informative posts, by offering honest reviews and personal shopper  and personal image consultancy services. Collaborating with others in the fashion industry and social media will offer better and more varied style options to the plus size family and , generally speaking, to those interested in fashion, beauty and life style.









Rellenita a la moda es un blog nacido para empoderar a las mujeres de talla grande y, en general, a cualquier mujer, a  encontrar su estilo personal, a sentirse  se a gusto con su figura y desarrollar una positiva autoestima. Una imagen personal positiva es la proyección de una fuerte personalidad independientemente de la talla que se use.


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Para cumplir con nuestro objetivo publicaremos posts informativos, atractivos e interesantes, ofreceremos valoraciones de productos y marcas honestas y desarrollaremos servicios de consultoría sobre  asesoría de imagen y personal shopper para quien lo solicite. Colaboraciones con otros actores en el sector de la moda y redes sociales nos permitirán ofrecer mejores y más variadas opciones a la gran familia de mujeres fashion,  independientemente de su talla.

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